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Displaying 126 - 150 of 3045
Phone: 0151 929 2069
Merseyside Army Cadet Force has around 800 cadets and 140 adult volunteers in 31 detachments spread around the county of Merseyside. The County is broken down into a County Headquarters (based at Altcar Training Camp) and four Companies.
Phone: 01704 532964
Arnside Social Committee Community organisation
Phone: 01704 878 913
Art Club at Holy Trinity Parish Hall. The Art Club is on Wednesday from 1:30pm to 4pm and from 7pm to 10pm. Holy Trinity Parish Hall is on Rosemary Lane in Formby. Contact Joan Hilton on 01704 878913
Phone: 01515251995
Art and Craft Group Monday 10:30am-12:30pm (£1.50 Refreshments included)
Phone: 0151 284 0025
Art and Craft Sessions: An activity creating a finished product. Resource and drop-in centre providing support for people in Sefton with mental health problems. The centre offers meaningful activities.
Phone: 07548 213496
Oil painting, Water colour painting, sketching, pastel colours. This is Art for pleasure. We do not teach but will help if needed. During the course of the year we occasionally have demonstrations and workshops
Phone: 0151 707 1404
At the Art and Soul Café we are renowned for our relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We pride ourselves on serving freshly prepared food on a daily basis. We offer a range of delicious goodies including yummy sandwiches, paninis and a variety of sweet tempta
Crosby U3A Art Appreciation group
The Art Appreciation group visits art galleries and exhibitions to see the work of a variety of artists. Contact Maureen Birchall 287 0308 or Marj Rusling 531 7179 for further details.
Phone: 0151 924 3417
Welcome to Crosby Art Class which meets in Saint Helen's Parish Centre on Thursdays at 1:30pm during term time. There is a charge for tuition. If you would like more details, please contact the Parish Office, or call in on Thursday.
Art Classes are on Tuesdays 10am to 12noon for all levels. Our classes are led by Angela Hargreaves. This is a general art class and is a great opportunity to come and spend some time perfecting your illustration and oil painting techniques under Angela’s guidance.
Phone: 0151 922 2836
Please contact the church for further information.
Phone: 01704 531229
Group of artists coming together every Friday morning in the church hall 10am–12noon. New members welcome. The Group exhibit and sell their artwork during the year.
Phone: 01704 574 838
Embracing drawing, silk painting, watercolour, acrylic, oil pastel and more. Art class at Ainsdale Lunch and Leisure, provides direct access to a platform of self-expression and self-discovery. Alongside its social benefits and community building aspects, the tactile nature of art-making can…
Phone: 01704 211 919
Join Art classes with Barbara Arthur at Lord Street West United Church. Come and join our easy going group and find confidence in drawing and painting in various mediums. Our group is on Thursday 10am-12noon. Each session is 2 hours and costs £10. For enq
Phone: 01704 877 311
Art Club at Formby Luncheon Club.Fridays 2:30pm
Art Club is led by professional artists and run a fun project each month. Showcase your child's artwork at our biannual exhibitions showcasing your child's artwork. Mondays (5pm-6pm), Tuesdays (4.30pm-5.30pm) & Wednesdays (5pm-6pm)
Phone: 01704 877 311
Art Conquest Art for the Disabled is on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 2:30pm. This group meets at Formby CVS Formby Luncheon Club on Rosemary Lane. Contact us for more information.
Phone: 0151 924 5864
An executive council which organises an annual art exhibition at the Atkinson Art Gallery in Southport. The exhibition is open to anyone who has an association with Southport. The Palette Club is not a club as such as it does not have meetings. For inform
Phone: 07712 097 102
Art For Their Sake provide tuition, guidance, inspiration and interaction within the project. We provide an enjoyable play scheme and create an environment that educates, motivates, stimulates and excites.
Phone: 0151 287 5378
Our aim is to teach art and drawing techniques which enables the group to use different mediums in their own style to create pictures as an interesting hobby or pastime, from beginners to the more experienced.
Phone: 0151 284 2628
An Art group that uses our premises each Tuesday and Wednesday morning and is open to new members.
ArtHouse is at 65 Eastbank Street in Southport. We have classes, workshops, open exhibitions, exhibits, studio space and our What’s Happening Newsletter.
Phone: 0151 228 0353
Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art as a way to communicate. It allows the child to use art materials for self expression in a safe environment, using art instead of spoken words. We have an Art Therapist who visits us to provide sessions with the babies, to work with them to try…
Phone: 0151 708 8810
Merseyside Dance Initiative has a huge database of freelance artists able to perform and teach a wide variety of dance styles. Contact the MDI office if you are looking for a professional artist to deliver classes and workshops or a performance.