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Displaying 176 - 200 of 3045
Phone: 0151 709 0545
As part of our active advocacy of Dyslexia we offer a Training and Awareness BTEC Level 3. This is geared at professionals working with people with Specific Learning Differences like Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalulia. The course offers an insight into ex
Phone: 01704 541001 / 07877735469
Awareness Class is on Monday at 7:30pm with Julie Quinn.
Phone: 07910603835
Awareness Class is on Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm until 9pm. Our Awareness class is ideal for beginners. Southport Spiritualist Church has a friendly and welcoming awareness group run by one of the church members with many years experience.
Phone: 0151 708 7055
We offer training programmes and consultancy services to staff, members of the public and other service providers who support people with a visual impairment, including those with additional disabilities. We can tailor the training to meet the needs of you.
Phone: 0151 520 2141
On Thursday afternoon we have a community baby and toddler group for any pre schoolers. Come anytime from 1:15pm to 2:45pm. We welcome mums, dads, child carers, grandparents babies or toddlers. We have a selection of tabletop toys and bigger toys for all
Phone: 01704 536 648
Baby Boogie is music, dance and fun for babies (0-4 years) and parents. Our group is every Monday from 9:30am–10:30am. Making a donation of £1 includes a drink and a snack.
Phone: 0151 924 3551
A baby massage course runs weekly on Tuesday mornings.
Back 2 Netball is for players who are a bit rusty, need updating on the rules or are beginners over 16. We meet on Tuesday from 8pm to 9pm. For this group pay weekly. Our hour sessions are £4 or you can arrange a monthly standing order of £15.
Badminton is on Tuesdays at 8:30pm. Contact Roger Lewis on 0151 287 9661
Badminton group 1 meets at St George's United Reformed Church hall on Wednesdays from 09:30 to 12.00. Phone Marg Grundy on 0151 526 7164 to join the waiting list. Badminton group 2 meets at Hudson school on Tuesdays from 18.30 to 20.00 during term time. C
Phone: 0151 520 2141
Magull Baptist Church Badminton Club meets every Friday from 6:30pm to 8pm and is open to anyone aged 15 years and over. All abilities are welcome. During term time we meet at Deyes High School Sports Hall but during exam times and school holidays alterna
Phone: 07581 844 570
Victoria Hall Badminton Club has several teams in the Southport and District Badminton League. We welcome new members and anyone interesting in joining should contact our club secretary for further information on club nights and teams. We cater for all ab
Phone: 0151 291 5054
Bakotcha is a Community Association based in Kensington. Phone us on 0151 291 5054 or email We are at 93 Botanic Road in the Kensington area of Liverpool L7 5PY.
For our Ballroom Dancing group contact Peter Whiston. We meet on Tuesday and have dancing lessons and social dancing. Dancing Lessons are on Tuesday from 7pm to 9pm. Social Dancing is on Tuesday from 8pm to 10:30pm. We meet at St Jerome’s.
Our Ballroom Dancing group meets at Maghull Parish Hall opposite St Andrews Church on Tuesday from 1pm to 2:30. Call Ted Grant on 0151 526 5690 or Irene Harris on 01695 421763 for further details.
Phone: 0151 707 0319
The BAMER Family Service has developed through the demand of support and needs of the community. It initially started as a BAMER mental health carers support service however, due to the type of support needed and the increase of the client groups requesting help along with the absence of specific…
Band and Songsters practice at Salvation Army Bootle
Phone: 0151 525 2498 ext 206
If you are a band or musician then we can help you with promotion. We will produce a short promotional film or EPK of you. This can include live or studio footage as well as an interview. A Green Screen facility is available.
Phone: 0151 922 8820
We have two church services at Bankhall Mission Church. Our Morning service is on Sunday at Bankhall Mission Church at 11am. Our Evening Service is on Sunday at Bankhall Mission Church at 6pm.
Phone: 07881988496
Bar facilities are open most evenings from 7:45pm to 11pm but on Sundays we are open 1pm to 2:30pm and 5pm to 8:30pm.
Phone: 07525 053 955
Liverpool Trojans Baseball Club were AAA National Champions in 2011 and 2012. We were also Northern Champions in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. We play at Bootle Stadium on Maguire Avenue in Bootle L20 9PQ. We are affiliated to the BBF. The Trojans were origi
Since 1998 we have been helping clients overcome many barriers when it comes to accessing training, education and employment. We offer a wide range of services including free Basic IT training for job searching including Universal Job Match. We are Matrix
We try to have fun fishing sessions that are as competitive as you want to make them with the main principle on having a laugh and hopefully catching a few fish. With catches up every year we hope to have a better year again with more people on the bea
Phone: 01704 544 419
Lindsay is our resident beautician and has been operating from this site for a number of years. We are delighted that she is able to continue to meet your pampering needs. To book an appointment please call.
Beaver Scouts are our youngest members as they are aged between 6 and 8 years old. Our Beavers meet weekly to take part in a wide range of activities. The children enjoy all that Scouting has to offer; being introduced to outdoor activities, having the opportunity to be creative, explore their…