Organisation and Services

C-Card Service at The Brunny

C-Card is a condom distribution scheme for young people aged between 14-19. It’s there to make it as easy as possible for you to access free condoms.

Brunswick Youth and Community Centre is a key member of Sefton’s C-Card scheme, offered through our Children and Young People programme. This makes The Brunny a good place to register and pick up free condoms in Bootle.

To take advantage of this service, simply register for the scheme at Brunswick Youth and Community Centre (or any C-Card registration point across Sefton). After a short induction and training about sexual health you will be able to get your free condoms.

You can pick up new supplies by presenting your C-Card at The Brunny and other venues supporting the scheme.

For more information on C-Card and sexual health information and advice, please visit

Brunswick Youth and Community Centre