Organisation and Services

The Brunny's Outreach Team

he Brunny’s outreach team engage young people who would otherwise not be involved in the Centre’s activities.

As a registered charity, one of our objects is:

to help and educate persons under the age of 25 years through their leisure time activities so as to develop their spiritual, mental and physical capacities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and that their conditions of life may be improved.

Our outreach programme is just one way we meet this aim.

By meeting and engaging with young people outside of our mainstream activities we are able to:

- help and guide them away from involvement in anti-social behaviour
- help them to make good choices and engaging in positive activities
- give them a voice
- offer them something to do, and somewhere to go.

Where appropriate we provide signposting to organisations such as Sefton Council (C-Card and Connexions), and our own services within The Brunny.

Our outreach team work Wednesday-Friday, usually between 6pm-9pm. Most of the time we work in Bootle and the surrounding areas, such as:

- North Park
- Poets Park
- Marsh Lane Park
- Bootle ASDA
- Industrial estates
- Other locations as they are highlighted to engage with young people.

During school half-term and holidays we take young people away for activities such as:

- Ice skating at Deeside, North Wales
- BMX bikes at Corby, Northamptonshire
- Mountain biking in Delamere Forest
- Three times a year we take young people on overnight trips.

Brunswick Youth and Community Centre