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0151 522 1000
Archidose of Liverpool
Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Charity number: 1199714
Welcome to the Archdiocese of Liverpool during a very exciting time for us as things are changing and developing in many ways. On the first Sunday of Advent 2021, we launched our Pastoral Plan, the fruit of our Archdiocesan Synod 2020.
"The plan begins with Christ at the centre and then points out the signposts of our journey with six areas of development. These six areas will evolve and be worked on in the years to come as part of our mission in 'Becoming the Church God is calling us to be', empowered by the Spirit of the risen Lord."
"The plan begins with Christ at the centre and then points out the signposts of our journey with six areas of development. These six areas will evolve and be worked on in the years to come as part of our mission in 'Becoming the Church God is calling us to be', empowered by the Spirit of the risen Lord."
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